Songs of the City

Lovely theme this month for the SFWA gallery show: Songs of the City. I started out thinking of music, but then decided that music was made by colors as well as sound. So, my show entries: here's my version of Telegraph Hill, shot from an upper balcony at the SF Hilton at sunset. The light was truly magic. It's in a gold 22x26" frame.
I have often wondered what one of my favorite abstracts would fit into - it certainly seems musical to me. It's actually a shot of the escalator at the Westfield Center. It's in a black wood 16 x 20" frame. My third piece in the show needs no labeling for locals. For those further away, it's one of our loved and hated SF Muni trains, this one pulled up on the Corner of Castro and Market Streets. It's in a white 9 x 12" frame.
All three were accepted into the July show. Do come and see them along with all the other 'songs' on what I hope will be a balmy Bastille Day evening.
The opening reception is on Thursday, July 14 from 5:30 to 7 pm at the SF Women Artists Gallery, 3489 Sacramento St.
New work: I've been shooting a variety of subjects this month, live and inanimate, close up across the water.
Below is the inimitable Don Prell, playing his bass at the Bay View Boat Club. On the right, my friend Lenore's garden decoration with sparkly spiderwebs.
The next two were taken from my back deck.
There are more, but that's enough for one email. They're all on my website of course, usually with the newest showing up on the homepage slide show as well as in the individual portfolios.
I do enjoy all the emails this little newsletter has been generating. Keep them coming! If nothing else, it's helping me keep in touch with people all over the country that I rarely, or in some cases never to date, see. Feel free to critique, suggest, ask, whatever. Or just say hello and tell me your news!
FREE e-cards of any of my works are available on my website. Click on a picture you like in any of the portfolios and follow the links at the bottom.
Still on view: 6 of my still life pieces at the Stillpoint Gallery's Online Exhibition Still Life: Ordinary and Extraordinary (page 13) will be up until April 19, 2012.
As always, I'd love to hear from you with comments, critiques, suggestions, etc. Please forward this email if you think it would be of interest to anyone you know. And, of course, if you don't want to receive my monthly announcements any more, you can unsubscribe below. Previous newsletter editions are available here. |