Wendell Shinn, the He in the 3 Shes + 1 He, made a lovely little slideshow of our weekend do in North Beach. See it here:
It was a fun show!
Next year we’ve decided to avoid Columbus Day/Fleet Week weekend! Lots of people came each day – but many never made it. So sorry about the traffic! If you missed it, you can see a slideshow of everything I had in the show here.
3 shes + 1 he
Getting down to the wire. 30 prints framed and standing up blocking most of my access to the room, waiting for packing and carting to the Live Worms gallery for this weekend’s show. The 30+ unframed works are already packed in the car. It’s been a busy, crazy couple of months getting ready, meeting with… Continue reading 3 shes + 1 he
Fort Ross
Had a great week at the Russian River this month and the day trip to Fort Ross on the California’s Northern Coast held many photographic treasures. A few of them here, but larger ones in the portfolio.
Apologies – wrong link
If you received my August Art News and tried to read it in your browser, you didn’t succeed! Apologies for forgetting to change the link (since June!). I’ve now added a menu item to this site that will link to the newsletter archives in case you’re so inclined.
Impromptu Art show
I got a call from a local gallery, The Artists Alley, last week and it turns out they were having a one night show on Saturday to announce their acquisition of a liquor license. They invited me to bring a couple of pieces for their bar opening. What was really fascinating was the method they… Continue reading Impromptu Art show
New Page: Buddhas
I’ve always loved gazing at Buddha statues and this weekend I found several that I photographed. Seemed logical to start a new portfolio category of Buddhas, so I did. I hope you enjoy them. You can see them all here. The new additions are below:
On the wall
I finally got to see one of my photographs in situ. Thought I’d share.
Close up
It’s pouring here today, so to get some sheltered fresh air, I went out on my deck and shot my aloe plant. I haven’t done much in the way of ‘nature’, but this was fun so I may do some more.
Good News from SFWA Gallery
First the month-long art auction in May was a big success. The gallery took in more than it had hoped and made the fun and craziness all worth while! Second, a customer bought my Reflections on Calder yesterday, so I’m personally pleased. (This month’s theme is Homage to a Favorite Artist). I shot it at… Continue reading Good News from SFWA Gallery