San Miguel de Allende 2022

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Lovely apartment on Piedras Chinas view from one of the windows IMG 2015 IMG 2016
IMG 2017 IMG 2018 View from the roof terrace First view of the city
Just around the corner - the oldest café in SMA - great small plates - great prices It's now a concert venue (not jazz sadly...) IMG 1714 IMG 1715
IMG 1716 Iglasia San Francisco IMG 1718 IMG 1722
Greeters in the Jardín Principal the cathedral Beginning to gather for the evening festivities Coffee under piñatas
IMG 1742 Wandering bands every night Calle Barranca Calle Huertas
Calle Correo (this street goes straight down to the jazz club!) Mercado Ramirez - a bit of everything there. Calle Homófono Calle Homobono
Calle Homófono Mercado Ignacio Rameriz Feliz Navidad! IMG 1723
IMG 1728 back in the Jardin IMG 1739 IMG 1740
Gato guarding the antiques IMG 1784 Another view from our roof terrace A pretty hotel which said it was open for dinner on Christmas day (but didn't mention one needed to have reserved...)
Loved this shop window! one of the many very narrow streets peeking into interiors IMG 1766
IMG 1768 And look who's back in the square!  Without Santa. Museo Historic. It was very realistic. The courtyard
so many pretty streets IMG 1779 IMG 1780 IMG 1786
such a simple way to get noticed! another interior and another IMG 1795
IMG 1797 back to Barranca Christmas night The only restaurant that had some unreserved tables.  First come first served once they opened the door at 8pm
Very pretty and unheated corner for the 'unreserved' IMG 1806 not a bad warmup though a snippet of Christmas night jazz
Barranca IMG 1821 Piedas Chinas from Barranca our front door - thats a mirror in the entrance.  We were 3 fligjts up.
gift? Busy courtyard with many establishments including a Starbucks. Casa Carman, Correa 31 Panadariea with cafe in the the back.
The whole shop was a gift store for dogs Can't resist posing by a bull. I'm pretty sure it was a gringo Lots of traffic on the few throughways
a resting place view from one of the rooftop bars Santa Ana Café in the Biblioteca.  Quiet and 'real'.  Here to meet Edward. IMG 1861
IMG 1864 Edward Swift - with a little bag of his wonderful little figures for Linda and me... Watching the vendors at the San Francisco church another peek into a welcoming space.
traffic is definitely an unsolved problem here. some street scenes from a tourist 'cable car'. IMG 1875 IMG 1890
IMG 1876 and the view from another rooftop bar, Posadito. IMG 1880 IMG 1883
IMG 1885 heading down from Posadito rooftop gem (right next door to Quinze but forgotten by the tourist books). Walking back through the Park Small town - keep running into the same folks.
La Hija de El Manantiel - for Tuesday night jazz became one of my favorites: tortilla with poblano and some yummy sauce. and some with shrimp. Jaime Valle
IMG 1900 Such atmosphere! View from our roof terrace IMG 1904
IMG 1912 Path into  Fabrica La Aurora IMG 1915 Several pieces that caught my eye
IMG 1917 IMG 1918 IMG 1919 IMG 1920
IMG 1921 IMG 1922 I got the artist's card. He does ship. IMG 1926
IMG 1925 IMG 1927 IMG 1928 Lovely walk back down to the centre
IMG 1930 IMG 1931 IMG 1932 IMG 1933
IMG 1934 IMG 1935 IMG 1938 IMG 1937
LOG! the Bellas Artes IMG 1942 IMG 1943
stopped here for coffee. IMG 1946 IMG 1947 walking to Ann's house - a beautiful quiet area (with well dressed people)
IMG 1949 Ann in the living room of her lovely home. her terrace. Cristina and Ann's cat
Little church in Ancha Luna Media - Gypsy - classical - spanish compositions.  Very enjoyable IMG 1958 IMG 1961
IMG 1962 IMG 1963 The fare was mediocre and the clientele was way too solidly expat! Still a fun afternoon and evening.
Not sure why there were balloons.. Next day: visiting an art museum in the Case de Mayorazo de la canal, an 18th century mansion built an important SMA family.  This photo shows some of the original furniture. IMG 1996 modern day folk art
IMG 1998 IMG 1999 IMG 2001 IMG 2002
IMG 2003 I SHOULD remember the photographer. IMG 1993 IMG 1992
and in the park, all dressed up for the photo. IMG 2005 another lovely interior Last day, walking way up north to visit Edward.
Hard to miss Javier Marin's sculpture at the Aqua Hotel And this tucked into a corner nearby Edward's house and studio and his art
IMG 2032 IMG 2033 IMG 2034 IMG 2035
IMG 2036 IMG 2037 and the panorama from his roof IMG 2039
walking down to the restaurant IMG 2043 Back up north IMG 2045
the pipe brought water to the city.  Lunch was under the pipe and up the stairs. scenes on my walk back IMG 2053 back home to pack ...
IMG 2022 suitcase at the bottom of the stairs. early morning skies from the taxi IMG 2064
IMG 2066 IMG 2067 And a New Years Eve feast in San Leandro where the fierce storm meant I spent the night with  my gracious friend Ellen. And here's some happy music to remind me of this particular visit.