
Arrived! Welcoming Saranade on my front door Found a nice late-night place for dinner at Pali Gastrónomia Turned out this was one of the best meals I had on the whole trip Pollo Rosso
First day walk amidst the colors Such pretty streets everywhere He looked interesting and someone I might liked to have known
Named Enrique Ruellas Espinosa - prolific writer usually holding a pipe The central mercado Inside Sadly the mummy museum is a main tourist attraction so there are fake skeletons everywhere
sidewalk rotisserie He doesn't need a gym colorful callejon It's all about that shadow
Away from the crowds, so pretty at night Never was good at posing Day Two watching people working Making a living
Everyone is busy juxtapositions Basilique de notre Madame de Guanajuato, Plaza de la Paz My favorite fountain
View of the University a treasure Not a good day I wonder what she's coaching him about - maybe get a job
Passing Pigeons lovin the colors chartreuse as long as it's different from the one next door
contemplation just another little alleyway We succumed.  This is the mummy museum.  Feel free to skip the next few slides.  119 mummified bodies inside all excavated when the burial fees ran out and left upright for years until this building was made to house them No translation needed
two of the many unknowns Photo of when they were stood up after excavation. The man is hugging his grandmother and this guy, the last one buried  the first one excavated was Dr Leroy, still well attired.  He was involved in establishing this place, but ended up here when no one paid his burial fees Hard to look at embryo and mother died in pregnancy
Dead umbrellas until morning Looked like a gentle climb from the bottom and then we were looking down callejoneda at our door
A visit to the home, studios  exhibit space of two local artists, Olga Costa and José Chávez Morado. These were part of the collection compelling face In their courtyard And their chosen way to be buried in it
I liked that the cactus thrived on top of the adquaduct Nice place to hang out The exhibition Buildings The Dali Exhibition
Bronze with gold and green patina The Transformation of Dulcinea IMG 1503 The Sad Conquistador
details delicacy The Dance of Time the story
Walking back to town from Pastita enjoying the architecture The ubiquitous oman band Somewhere near Cervantes Plaza Didn't find out anything about this sculpture
A martini! Looking up music everywhere Love a guitar
Even the real thing Not sure what he's carrying Stop for coffee Dinner at Los Campos
Leon Mendez Duo Tequila! Inside the Alhondiga murals by Morado
documenting mistreatment and slavery and heavenly wrath Would put the fear of god in anyone!
postor about the abolition of slavery ceramic stamps and patterns more
figures more figures Look closely at the boys hats found a nice cafe
with a nice 'outside' crowded in the summer stage used in  the Cervantine Festival Good quesadillas - all organic vegie food
then a visit to the Diego Rivera House Unusual Rivera And some photos by longtime friend of Rivera's - name lost to me at the moment She took haunting street photographs
view from the roof bar An elegant street Peeked into a shop The University
The Peoples Museum Toys and Craft exhibit lots of fun things wall display
We all need it! Think I saw him before What else do you do when you live on a 60 degree hill on a street too small for cars And sometimes one has to go up
Where we'd come from thought we'd finally see the teatro but it's under construction Last day  walked to La Olla jpg nice farewell spot
Relaxed and had really good shrimp coctail by the reservoir after finally getting up to pipila we took in the view worth two shotsjpg
and back down on the funicular Adios to my nueva amiga Linda (in the middle) for now back on the ground - see tunnel exits Of course, a concert in the Jardin de Union
It's been a good week this was our street Nice Big  convenient airbnb Leaving Guanajuato - by tunnel of course